
‘Hearts and Flowers’ Alumnae Meet 2024

The Alumnae meet 2024 ‘ Hearts and Flowers’ was held on 3rd February 2024 .The Alumnae meet-up, titled ‘Hearts and Flowers,’ commenced with a heartfelt prayer, setting a positive tone for the event. Prof Susan John, President of the Alumnae council and an esteemed faculty member, delivered the welcome address, extending warm greetings to all attendees.Chief Guest Fr. Binoy shared insights on the practical applications of Mathematics in real life, captivating the audience with his enlightening speech. Dr. Susan Mathew Panakkal conducted the felicitation ceremony, honoring accomplished alumnae for their outstanding achievements. Notably, awards were presented to those who had achieved great feats, and scholarships were granted to 3rd-year undergraduates and 2nd-year postgraduates.

The election of new members to the Alumnae council marked a significant development in the event, ensuring the continuous growth and representation of the alumni community. Dr.  Aparna V. presented a comprehensive report on the various activities undertaken by the alumnae, showcasing their impactful contributions.

Expressing gratitude for the collective efforts, Joscelia Maria Philip delivered a heartfelt vote of thanks, acknowledging the participation and support that made the event a success.

Post-official ceremony, the atmosphere was enlivened by captivating dance and music performances, featuring both alumnae and current students of the department. Members engaged in spirited games, fostering camaraderie and connection.The program culminated with a delightful tea and snacks session, providing a perfect opportunity for students and teachers to interact and forge lasting bonds with the alumnae members. ‘Hearts and Flowers’ was truly a memorable occasion, strengthening the ties between past and present members of the Department of Mathematics and Statistics.


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