International Yoga Day 2022 celebration in the Department of French, Bila Bose (French Alumni) as Special Instructor
June 21, 2022 @ 8:00 am - 11:00 am
At the Department of French, we care about health and wellbeing of our students and teachers.
On the occasion of the International Yoga Day, on 21st of June 2022, the Department of French is happy to have Bila Bose, our Department alumni, as our resource instructor.
Yoga has many benefits to our mental and physical health. Yoga is practised by people of every background, shape, size and physical ability. Yoga reaches far beyond physical exercise, not just because asana is only one of the eight limbs of yoga, but also because the physical practice is not simply ‘stretching and fitness’. Yoga connects the movement and flow of the mind and body with the rhythm and control of the breath. This causes us to focus inwards, increasing our physical and mental awareness.