St. Teresa’s College hosted a remarkable Technology and Innovation event on March 13, 2024, a collaboration between the Department of Computer Applications and the Department of BCA (Cloud Technology and Information Security Management).

The day unfolded with a vibrant welcome from Ms. Archana Menon P, setting the stage for an intellectually stimulating and inspiring series of events. Delving deeper into the program, a captivating video presentation illuminated the critical importance of digital literacy in our rapidly evolving society, underlining the necessity for initiatives such as “Empower IT” to equip individuals with essential IT skills. Rev. Dr. Sr. Vinitha CSST then took the stage, delivering the Presidential Address that resonated with attendees, urging them to embrace innovation as a catalyst for societal transformation. The atmosphere brimmed with anticipation as the “Empower IT” project (DYUTI) was inaugurated, graced by the esteemed presence of Smt. Mariam Mammen Mathew, CEO of Manorama Online, whose inaugural speech shed light on the project’s profound significance in empowering individuals and communities through technology. Dr. Alphonsa Vijaya Joseph, the college’s esteemed Principal, and Dr. Kala M.S, the dedicated Vice Principal, further enriched the occasion with their felicitation addresses, emphasizing the collaborative spirit and collective vision driving the project forward.

As the event progressed, a significant highlight emerged with the CSR fund handover ceremony by South Indian Bank, a testament to the institution’s commitment to social responsibility and community welfare. Shri Anto George T, chief general manager of South Indian Bank, graced the occasion with his presence, symbolizing the synergy between academia and industry in driving positive change. Expressions of gratitude echoed through the auditorium as Ms. Sajimol Augustine extended heartfelt appreciation on behalf of the college community, underscoring the invaluable support and collaboration received. Rev. Dr. Sr. Vinitha CSST and Ms. Sajimol Augustine then took center stage once more, presenting tokens of gratitude to Smt. Mariam Mammen Mathew and Shri. Anto George T, symbolizing the profound impact of collective efforts in realizing transformative initiatives.

The event drew to a close with a heartfelt vote of thanks from Ms. Remya CJ, Head of the Department of Computer Applications, expressing gratitude to all participants for their unwavering dedication and contributions. However, the spirit of innovation and exploration continued to thrive with the invitation extended to attendees to explore the AI Tools Exhibition, a showcase of cutting-edge technologies and innovations shaping the future landscape. As participants dispersed, inspired and enriched by the day’s proceedings, the resonance of collaboration, innovation, and empowerment lingered, marking the event as a beacon of hope and progress in the journey towards a brighter, technologically empowered future.

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