As the whole world is under lockdown St. Teresa’s College (Autonomous), Ernakulam is launching a social media campaign titled Covid-Kurippukal on 14 April 2020. The aim of the campaign is to reach across all the 14 districts of Kerala to get Malayalees to talk about the positive aspects of the lockdown.
It’s an opportunity for people to share their personal anecdotes and experiences regarding the distinctive/ unique things which they’ve done or observed during these days. The idea is to instill hope and spread positivity which is much needed in this time of crisis.
The campaign will be launched in two languages- English and Malayalam, through social media platforms: Instagram and Whatsapp. For Instagram, people can share their stories using the hashtag #CovidKurippukal or by tagging @Under25stc or @stcunion2019. On whatsapp you can share your stories on this number- +91 9633861035. The best stories we receive, will be shared on different platforms to motivate Malayalees across.
The campaign will be conducted by the College Student Union comprising 13 members and the College Under25 team which includes 151 student members in association with Unnat Bharath Abhiyan.
webinar on “Media and Entertainment: Revamping Strategies During a Pandemic Era”
The Department of Management Studies and the Department of Communicative[...]