The event “Coping with Mental Health during COVID-19 Pandemic” was held on 9th of June 2021 on the Google Meet platform. The event started off with a small introduction by MC, Ms. Rose Thaliath, which was followed by a prayer song by Ms.F. Tancy. The welcome address by Ms.Lakshmi Shivaprasad was next and later HOD, Ms. Sabeena Bhaskar addressed the gathering.

The resource person  for the session was Dr.Sreejith Nair, a consultant Psychologist at Sahrudaya Hospital Alappuzha, a Member of AIP(Association of Indian Psychologist), an International Affiliate to APA (American Psychological Association), a member of Indian Council of Social Welfare (Affiliated to International Council of Social Welfare), a Certified Wellness Coach, an expert who conducts training and counselling programmes for school and college students in association with Kerala Chamber of Commerce, and a specialist who has conducted counselling  programmes for school students at National level on behalf of  Directorate of Education Delhi.

The speaker started off his session by detailing topics like stress, worry and anxiety and by giving tips to deal with these conditions. He also provided insight on various ways to manage online studies during the pandemic and demonstrated some respiratory exercises that can be helpful for stress relief. He encouraged active interaction from the participants from the very beginning of the session. He also answered to the queries of participants.

The event was concluded with a Vote of Thanks by Ms.Varsha Hilary.


Bhavya Raju

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