Venue: Palluruty , Ernakulam

Date: 11/07/2019

Target Group: Adult men and women ( 30-60 years)

The students of the  2nd years P.G Diploma in Clinical   Nutrition and Dietetics along with  L R Rajani provided Community Nutrition awareness programme  both  adult men and women with and without non- communicable diseases at an anganwadi at palluruthy  . The camp  mainly  focused on providing  awareness on dietary management of non-communicable diseases especially  obesity, diabetes,  and hypertension and the need of balanced diet  to maintain a healthy life style .Talks were provided by the student dietitians based on these topics.  Informative charts on nutrition and wellness were put up and explained to the participants. Health assessment based on anthropometry; ie., height, weight and BMI, blood sugar examination were done   along with that simple low cost nutritious recipes were  prepared and distributed among the participants which  was done as part of the programme .



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