History Department Activities

Felicitated Freedom Fighter Shri. Vylopilly Balakrishna Menon

The Department of History felicitated the renowned Freedom fighter Shri. Vylopilly Balakrishna Menon on 25 August 2017.He shared his experiences…

7 years ago

Personality Development Talk-“Disha Darshan”

  The students of the department participated in the talk titled “Disha Darshan” organized by Department of History. The main…

7 years ago

“Zenith 2017”-History Association Inauguration.

The inaugural session of History association took place on 4 July 2017.The Chief guest of the day Dr Vinod Kumar…

7 years ago

A Talk on “Writing History”

The Department of History in connection with SSP programme, organised a talk on "Writing History"delivered by Dr.K.S.Radhakrishnan, Philosopher,Orator,Former Vice Chancellor…

7 years ago

A Class on Environment conducted by Second MA History students

As a part of their studies the Second PG History students organised a class on Environment-"Waste is Wealth",specially for the…

8 years ago

A Talk on” General Health and Pollution”

The Department of History organised a talk on General Health and Pollution by Dr Mohan,Head of the Department , Palliative…

8 years ago

A Talk on Human Rights

The Department of History organised a class on Human rights for the  UG and PG students by Adv.Reji C.J,social worker.…

8 years ago

An Eye Camp Organised in association with Vasan Eye Care

The Department of History  organised an" Eye camp" in association with Vasan eye care hospital on 13 August 2016. The…

8 years ago

A Historical Visit to Kerala History Museum

To recover the antiquity of keral history, The Department of History  visited The Kerala History Museum at Edapally on  29…

8 years ago

National seminar -History Department

Department of History conducted a national seminar on "Indian Environmental Issues: Lessons from History ". Resource persons included noted historians…

11 years ago