English Activities

Book Discussion – “The Corridor”

On 30th October, 2023, the Department of English and Centre for Research in association with the Library Club and The Sunflower Seeds organised a book discussion. The programme commenced at 10.30 AM at the Arts Auditorium. All the students and teachers of the department were present.

The chief guest for the day was Tarun Mehrishi, a lawyer and entrepreneur turned writer. His debut novel, ‘The Portrait of a Secret: A Novel Inspired by True Events’ was up for discussion with Midhu Elizabeth George, an academician and alumna of the department. The author shared the journey of writing and publishing his maiden work. The challenges faced, inspiration and the significance of time, space and memory in writing the novel were explained. This was followed by a Q&A session where both students and teachers expressed their concerns and posed their enquiries on writing historical fiction in the 21st century. Signed copies of the novel were distributed to the students and teachers.


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