

As part of our nation’s 75th Independence Day celebrations, the Department of Mathematics and Statistics started a series “BHARAT KA AMRUT MAHOTSAV” on 9th August 2021. The series comprised of inspirational videos of some prominent women freedom fighters. The videos were posted in the official Instagram page of Department of Mathematics and Statistics.

The first video of the series was about Sarojini Naidu, The Nightingale of India. The video depicted how freedom for India became a focus for her. On 10th August, the second video of the series was released. It was about Usha Mehta who followed Gandhian thoughts and philosophy throughout her life. The third video of the series was released on 11th August which was about Kasturba Gandhi who was very active in politics and took initiative to help uneducated women. The video fourth in series was about Aruna Asaf Ali. The video portrayed the beautiful life she led in becoming one of the prominent women leaders. On 14 th August, a video about Kamala Nehru was released. This video was fifth and last in series showing the prominent role of women leaders during our freedom struggle .

The video series was an eye opener and inspirational in  saluting the sacrifices made by our freedom fighters and soldiers who made the dream of independent India a reality. These great leaders inspired us to strive towards excellence with sheer grit and hard work.

Anu Mary John

Published by
Anu Mary John

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